Amfibieën van Suriname - Amphibians of Surinam

Kikkers en padden - Frogs and Toads

Ameerega (Epidedobates)  trivittata - Three-striped poison frog

Anomoglossus baeobatrachus - Gewone dwerggifkikker

Atelopus hoogmoedi - Hoogmoed's Harlequin Toad

Boana boans

Boana fasciata

Boana semilineata

Boana xerophylla (Hypsiboas crepitans) - Emerald-eyed Treefrog

Dendropsophus minusculus - Rivero's Tiny Tree Frog

Dendropsophus minutus

Elachistocleis surinamensis - Surinam Oval Frog

Hypsiboas raniceps - Chaco Treefrog

Leptodactylus andreae - Lowland Tropical Dwarf Bullfrog

Leptodactylus fuscus

Leptodactylus guianensis

Leptodactylus heyeri

Leptodactylus knudseni -Knudsens' Frog

Leptodactylus longirostrus

Leptodactylus ocellatus - Savannah White-lipped Frog

Leptodactylus pentadactylus - Smoky Jungle Frog, South American Bullfrog

Leptodactykus rhodomystax

Leptodactylus validus

Pithecopus hypochondrialis - Orange-legged Leaf Frog

Physalaemus ephippifer - Steindachner's Dwarf Frog

Pipa pipa - Common Suriname Toad

Pristimantis chiastonotus - Brownsberg Robber Frog

Pristimantis zeuctotylus - Sipaliwini Robber Frog

Pseudis paradoxa - Paradox Frog

Rhaebo guttatus  Smooth-sided Toad

Rhinella lescurei - Guiana Shield Leaf Toad

Rhinella marina - Giant Toad

Rhinella martyi

Rhinella merianae  - Granular Toad

Scinax boesemani - Boeseman's Snouted Treefrog

Scinax ruber - Red-snouted Treefrog of Two-striped Treefrog

Sphaenorhynchus lacteus - Greater Hatchet-faced Treefrog

Trachycephalus typhonius - Veined Treefrog, Amazon Milk Frog